Monday 6 October 2008


Why oh why oh why are idiots allowed to be out and about in the world with pieces of paper (or plastic, or both) that allow them to drive???

My Monday morning commute and me time (it's the only time I can really enjoy my music loud!), whilst driving towards the bridge of doom, listening to The Blues Brothers was rudely interupted by some f**kwit in a Peugeot trying to cut me up in a Keep Clear box! Interupting my music is bad, cutting me up in a place you shouldn't be blocking (I think the words Keep and Clear printed on the road give it away), blocking the inside lane of traffic because you are a numpty, is not very clever, and not much cleverer (a word I haven't used for a while) when I put my little 916 back across your bonnet!!!

After the Peugeot incident (now if Mr F**kwit had said sorry, I need to go right I would've been happy), I'm back in my groove. Music on loud again, singing away in my little Italian dark grey leather paradise, and heading across the Peri track at Heathrow. To be greeted by one of my all time pet hates... TFL taxis!! A police van is sitting on the inside lane to turn left, when he puts on the blues and twos and wants to go right, nothing infront of the taxi, and the van gets into the outside lane, a couple of cars are stuck infront of the police van, and a clear lane in the middle to go straight over and up Harlington High Street, does the taxi move?? No... He sits there, green light showing, me tooting, car driver behind me starts tooting, police van stuck, I'm shouting at the numpty! Time for BTCC driving rules, headlights on, more tooting, and finally the idiot moves straight across!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

I hate numpties!!

But at least I had seven minutes of Radar Love to calm me down.

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