Tuesday 7 October 2008

A good day (so far)

This mornings commute was enjoyable! Yes, shocking I know! A commute to work which is enjoyable. Walton Bridge was its usual arsed self. Traffic backed up through Walton, but after a little dive down the back roads, I was across the bridge in 10 minutes (rather than sit in the queue and do nothing for 30 minutes!!). After listening to the lovely music coming from the GTV ICE unit, oh the joy, and singing my little head off, it was time for my morning wander around Tescos. Just before getting into the car park, a blue GTV was parked in the kerb, I decided to be a friendly brother in arms and tooted lots down the road. A wave from the driver of the other GTV, marvelous, what can go wrong today!

Tescos done, off to work. A little blat up the A30 and round the peri track then time to settle down to do some work. Work done and sorted by lunch time, two visits from Bob (who has now called himself Ikea Man), and a few attacks from the mad puppy and a dustpan brush (maybe she wants to clear up the mess downstairs).

A nice relaxing day at work, some Hi-Fi shopping completed, and a wander round Richer Sounds and Weybridge Hi-Fi arranged for Saturday. I know I'm going to spend too much money!

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