Sunday, 31 May 2015

10 years in the planning stage

This was finally confirm in Febrauary 2010, He was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus, A non smoking, tea drinking had cancer. He hadn't eaten since Boking Day 2009! It was now February 2010. His weight had plummeted. He was coughing up blood, and he would not go to the doctors. It took my mother and myself to finally get to see our GP, who decided he needed to come in for a blood test. The news came whilst I was replacing the seats in the Eunos. I had the drivers seat out when the old man phoned.

"Your the first person I'm going to tell, I've got cancer. I'm going to make it to my birthday, and see what happens."

I didn't move, I couldn't think. It hit me..... I had to finish putting the car back together to get home. I did, and for the next two months I was getting him to hospital and doctors appointments. Then one evening, he was in bed, and decided at midnight to start sorting out his clothes in the wardrobe. Clothes spread all around the bedroom and on the bed. He just made a mess. My mum was shouting at him, and she went off and left him on his own! I walked in, looked  and just said "why?"

I went to bed, knowing I had a busy day at work the nest day, but the ambulance was coming to take him to Guildford hospital in the morning to start his treatment. It didn't get that far. At about 5am, I was woken up by the front door closing. I checked round the flat, and noticed the old man had gone. I woke my mum, told her, I got dress, and thought he couldn't have got far. He had managed to get out of the flat, found a shopping trolley, and luckily (or unluckily), a pot hole had stopped his 'escape'. The trolley was on it's side in the road, he was sitting on the pavement. I noticed a carrier bag, grabbed it, and saw it was all the bank statements, insurance documents, everything that should be in the flat, in the bag. He kept shouting at me he was going to call the police, and I called an ambulance. Whilst waiting, he did not know who I was, and just kept saying "I've got to get to the hospital!"

The paramedics arrived, lifted him up and brought him back into the flat! He was not in a fit state to come back to the flat, he needed hospital treatment! After I got fobbed off by the NHS helpline and the paramedics, I got him into his car, and drove him to A&E at St Peter's. This was the start of the rubbish. Doctors telling me there is nothing wrong with him, that I should take him home. Ok, explain to me how my step dad does not know who I am, won't listen to the doctors or won't even eat is going to cope at home! Finally, at 5 hours in St Peter's Hospital, I managed to get him to Guildford hospital, who found him a bed on the cancer ward.

Every evening after work I visited him, and every night we talked. The family came down to see him, but he was getting worse. He was being given solid foods, even though there was 'nil by mouth' written on his board. Finally, he collapsed whilst trying to go to the toilet, and that was the start of the end. Now bed ridden. On one visit I was given a bag containing his rings, as they had fallen from his fingers.

He was true to his word, he made it to 19th April 2010, his 76th birthday. The family came down and wish him the best, but we all knew it wouldn't be long. My step brother was speaking to him when I left to come home. I came back for the evening visiting hour, but the old man ignored me. Finally, after 20 minutes he just told me to "fuck off!, we've got nothing in common! Why do you bother coming here!". That was the final words he said to me...

RIP Dave Morl

Friends and family came to the funeral. It was a good service, but I can think of a few things that pissed me off. Why was I the only one to speak of his life?  There were others in the chapel that knew him a lot longer than me! To my friends that came, I thank you, it meant a lot to me.

That was my 2010. After April, I put everything in to keeping my mum sane! That's hard work, as she's more of a loon than me! The Monster was back on the road two weeks after the funeral, but was not getting used as much. Fine, it did manage to chew up it's own clutch near Wm Snells in Alton. But she was back! 2010 finished with me selling the Eunos, probably the best car I have owned, well the most fun anyway!

I bought a Jag. 1; to annoy the old man, as he always wanted one, and two, it was nice and comfy for my mum, who was getting ready for a hip replacement operation.

One thing we have noticed since the passing of the old man, we have more money in our pockets! We know why that is....

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