Nearly two weeks ago the old Monster was lying in the road after just being twatted by a BMW. At the time I thought it was the end of the Ducati. No more will she be singing to the locals in her own unique rattle, clack clack way. The oldest Monster in the land dead, expired an ex Monster.
Thanks to a quick and relatively easy insurance claim and payout within a week, a big thanks to Moto Rapido who had all the parts sent up to the secret workshop with in a couple of days and also a big thanks to my mates who came round and rescued the old Monster and myself.
Apart from a couple of small battle scars, the old Monster is still alive and everything seems to be in one piece still. Project cleans first stage has been completed and it's now the weekend and time to give her a quick road test before Horsham next Friday.
There are a couple of small dents on the tank, easy to spot really.
Tonight I cleaned up the carbon fibre side panels, the chain and T-Cut'd the tank and seat cowl. A quick buff and polish, re-attached the small pile of carbon fibre bits back onto the bike and she is almost ready to roll. It's just a matter of checking the tyre pressures and topping up the oil now.
All back together and waiting for the call from the open road!
I think it is time for a well earned beer and some relaxation!
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