It's been a busy weekend, and it's only Saturday!
Yesterday was spent trying to hide from the Royal Wedding. I did managed to hide from most of it. An extra day off is good, but there is always too much hype with these things!! I didn't service the bike in the end, all I did in the end was ride it back home from the secret workshop and cover it up until the next days fun.
Saturday morning started with one of my neighbours being threatened with a hammer. Oh what joy this place is. 1am and the nutters are out! I finally managed to get back to sleep and then woke up late for Auto Italia.
I fell out of bed at 810am and was at Brooklands Museum at 840am! The first bike of the day as well, even with a pit stop to change a blown fuse (must fix this problem next week!). A quick wander around and a few more Ducatis appeared, and a nice day of wandering around looking at cars and bikes and just chilling in the sunshine!
I left Brooklands to head up to London. The UKMOC had arranged a meeting for this afternoon and I was not about to miss this one. A gentle ride through London was the order. A top afternoon was had! 20+ Ducati Monsters heading through the city. Fine the traffic was a bit rubbish, but the sound was just mad!
After a leisurely pit stop at a cafe in Soho, I headed back out of London and after another blown fuse (I really must fix this next week!) induced pitstop at the Fox and Duck at the bottom of Richmond Hill, it was back home to try and get rid of the smell of London and upload the pictures from todays fun!
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