Off to my little workshop of doom, and holding my breath as the windows had cleared enough to see. Which would happen first, would I get to my garage or would I pass out?? Luckily the latter. Time to move the Monster, get the electrickery kit out, notice a big puddle of clutch fluid underneath the Monster (well that a story for later). Time to pull the drivers side footwell apart. Screws out, carpet and plastic trim thrown into the back of the car, now I'm lying along the drivers seat, head first into the footwell, looking up at the wiring. Three plugs have broken, crimpers out, chop the old plugs off, new plugs put on (without much swearing this time), all plugged back together and still no heater! ARSE!!! As it is now 9:30am, I decided to drive the car to work as Her Holyness (the Monster) has a broken clutch slave cylinder (a nice big hole straight through it!), and hope the water stays in the radiator, the windows stay clear and the sun stays out!
Well I got two out of three! I pulled onto the forecourt of my local Tescos petrol station and the water escapes! Time for damage limitation! £10 of petrol put in, my water bottles filled up, dart across the to the car park, water topped up and time to start praying to the God of Milan that this little Alfa will make it to work, or at least die trying to get there! The second option nearly happened twice as two idiots just pulled out infront of me!
Finally the car makes it to work. No water loss, the heater didn't invite the pixies round to fix it and the rear screen was, well, sort of clear (but thats what the door mirrors are for!). After another two hours of going through the workshop manual, swearing, and finally thinking of something, as well as striping out both sides footwell trims, I double checked the wiring, and suddenly, the pixies were there! Setting number 4 comes to life on the heater.. Sod the other 3, I have number 4! YES!!!!!! Marvelous!! WOOHOO!!
It's still working now, I'm happy, the music is back on loud.. Yippee!!
And todays picture can be my little boots, relaxing at work!
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