Saturday, 29 December 2012

Time to return to the workshop from the wilderness


It's been over a year since I've popped in here. Where have I been? Well, obviously not here!

2012 has nearly finished and I've been to lots of MINI meetings and shows. I've also had a few upgrades fitted to my MINI and I will remember to document them later.

I've been addicted to the world of Instagram as well, with a large collection of pointless, daily picture uploads on there under Banditloon.

The Monster hasn't been used much this year, just because, 1; I've been busy with the car, 2; It has run out of electricity, 3; I don't want to get it dirty!!

Well, time for a reshuffle and a bit of general housekeeping on here. Let's see how long I will keep this blogging lark up for!!